How to spin 2 Node SQL Servers and 1 Node Domain Controller in AWS using Terraform
Using Terraform to Deploy 3 AMI(2 SQL Server & 1 Windows Server 2016) on AWS Here I am creating 2 Node SQL Server and 1 Node Domain Controller in AWS using Terraform Below code will create 3 Windows Server, in these 3 Node, 2 Node will be SQL Server and 1 Node local Windows Server All Windows VMs will have a public IP. it will also create below components:- 1 VPC 1 Subnet 1 Network ACL 1 Route table 1 Internet Gateway 1 Security Group 1 Route table association with Subnet 1 DHCP For Domain Controller Breaking up my Terraform Script to deploy my infrastructure I wrote 2 files: — This would hold the codes of what I am building, my servers and configuration. — This holds all the variables used by my to use, allowing me to change just a value in one file instead of sifting through my In order to execute this code launch Visual Studio...